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5 Misconceptions About the Facelift

Posted February 18, 2020 in Facelift

3 Min Read

Facelift surgery, or rhytidectomy, is a mainstay in the booming plastic surgery industry, being one of its most common and successful procedures.

Despite its popularity, myths and misconceptions can still cloud our minds.

woman looking in mirror considering facelift.

Misleading answers to internet queries can be potentially dangerous to prospective patients as they can foster unrealistic expectations and overly suspicious concerns. This is why it is important to ask questions and develop informed expectations of your results.

Here is a list of five of the most common misconceptions:

1. Your Results Will Look Unnatural

Rest assured, a facelift will preserve your fundamental appearance and amplify your natural beauty. With proper techniques, you can achieve positive results without any cause for concern.

During the healing process, you may experience minor swelling or bruising, and it may take time for incision lines to recover. However, you should expect a more youthful and natural appearance with the help of your plastic surgeon’s recovery instructions.

2. A Facelift Only Addresses the Face

Facelift surgery commonly addresses the jawline and neck in addition to the lower two-thirds of your face for a more harmonious balance between your features.

There are comprehensive options to fit all of your needs, options that will reveal youthful neck contours while eliminating wrinkles and fat deposits.

3. You Will Look Like an Entirely Different Person

Facelift surgery will reinvigorate your natural features. You will still look like yourself, only with your best features highlighted, smoothed, and refreshed. You will find confidence in the beauty we help you uncover as your natural lines are improved, and youthful contours are rediscovered.

4. Non-surgical Techniques Can Achieve the Same Results

While non-surgical techniques can fight aging facial features and prolong the time before a facelift is appropriate, they cannot reach the same level of results. It may still take weeks for you to see the final outcome with non-invasive treatments, and the effects may only be noticeable for a few months.

Repeated treatments will be needed, and the effects may vary in comparison to the measurable results we see in traditional facelift procedures.

5. Your Results Are Permanent

Results with a facelift are long-lasting, but they cannot stop the natural aging process. Your face will continue to age; however, it will always be more youthful than if you did not have the surgery. How well your results are maintained will be based on your daily habits and your dedication to sun protection.

It is good to help your body recover, so rest and relaxation are essential to getting the most out of your results. Slight exertions of the face will also loosen facial muscles and promote healthy elasticity.

Interested In Finding Out More?

To learn more about facelift surgery, contact Dr. Grazer by calling (949) 644-1240 or by filling out our online contact form.