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Why Choose High-Definition Lipo

Posted April 23, 2018 in High-Definition Liposuction

LiposuctionMiddrift of a thin female athelete is the standard technique for eliminating deposits of unwanted fat. However, simply removing fat doesn’t always yield the body shape and physique you desire. Newer liposuction technologies allow us to sculpt your physique, which pinpoints and creates definition in trouble areas. High-definition liposuction is a technique that offers more thorough and customized liposuction results than other methods currently available on the market.

Same Treatment Areas, Better Definition

High-definition liposuction can be used to contour the same areas on your body as traditional liposuction. This technology can even target smaller areas such as under the chin. However, unlike other liposuction techniques, high-definition liposuction can better define the treatment area. Instead of just eliminating fat from the belly, we can sculpt the abdominal muscles giving a more enhanced appearance of six-pack abs.

Reduced Swelling and Bruising

Standard liposuction techniques can take a toll on the body. The process often cuts through fibrous bands that surround the fat and can leave significant bruising and swelling during the recovery process. The method used in high-definition liposuction breaks up fat cells, so the fat removal process is more gentle. This process results in less postoperative bruising and swelling, which makes your recovery period quicker and less painful.

Grazer Liposuction Patient Before and After photo set


The recovery period for high-definition liposuction usually lasts about two weeks. You should arrange for someone to come with you to the appointment so they can drive you home. Wearing a compression garment is important and will help with swelling. This garment also ensures that your body is contouring the way it was intended to. It is best to start walking around to let your blood flow, but limiting extreme physical activity is advised until you are permitted by Dr. Grazer.

Am I a Candidate?

The best high-definition liposuction results are achieved when performed on the proper candidate. High-definition liposuction better contours the physique of already healthy and fit individuals. This is why it is mostly reserved for people who have toned their bodies through diet and exercise and need a little extra help to eliminate specific pockets of fat that are preventing them from achieving their ultimate body shape. Candidates should have little skin laxity and be more interested in defining their figure rather than eliminating their body of unwanted fat.

To schedule your high-definition liposuction consultation today, please call our office at 949-644-1240.